
You would like to support our work financially? Every donation helps us to continue our work and realize more and new projects.

We are especially happy about new permanent donors. We are thankful for every donation, no matter how small or big. Thank you very much!

Important Information:
  • For donations via Paypal, SEPA and SOFORT bank transfer, we are required to pay a percentage of the donation to the providers for the using its payment method. If you want Doctors for Choice Germany to receive your entire donation, please select “bank transfer” as the payment method.
  • Since 01.03.2024, we are obliged to to report all donations > €10,000/year to the German Lobbying Register by name. Large donations on an anonymous basis are no longer possible. This is justified by the fact that there is reason to believe, that these donations could have a directing influence on the respective organization. (Source: Lobbying Register)

Bank Details

Name: Doctors for Choice Germany 
IBAN: DE38 4306 0967 1031 2438 00
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank

German Charitable Donation Certificate

Taxpayers in Germany can deduct their donations from their income tax return (Einkommensteuererklärung). For donations up to 300€, the deposit receipt is considered to be sufficient proof for the German tax office. For donations over 300€ a charitable donation certificate is necessary. 

Please send us an e-mail at or use our contact form with your full name and address as we need these informations for creating a Charitable Donation Certificate.

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