Information on Abortion and Contraception

For a long time, doctors who perform abortions were prohibited from providing information about the various methods, preparation, procedure and side effects of an abortion due to Section 219a of the German Criminal Code (StGB). At the same time, there are many supposedly reputable and neutral websites on the internet that try to dissuade unwanted pregnant women from having an abortion by providing scary and medically incorrect information.

In order to counteract this lack of medically correct information, we provide helpful information on contraception and abortion on this website. We also encourage doctors of all specialities – including those who do not perform abortions themselves – to provide information on abortion on their practice website following the abolition of §219a StGB.

Please be aware, that not all pages have yet been translated into English. We are still working on translating informational texts concerning abortion and contraception in English. Please be patient and come back when we will have updated this section. We apologize for any inconveniences.

More information on the topic of abortion.
More information on the topic of contraception.

As long as we are not yet able to offer translations, we link to the multilingual information brochures of pro familia, which summarize useful information on abortion (according to counseling regulations) in a compact form.

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