Our Projects

We have initiated many projects. Unfortunately, these projects are only available in German at the moment. We are working on translations and apologize for any inconvenciences.

App "Alli"

The "Alli" app is a personalised and empathetic companion for terminating pregnancy with medication. Alli is currently still in the development phase.

Campaign for Abortion Care Providers

The aim of our campaign "I am providing abortions, and you?" (German: "Ich mache Abbrüche, und Sie?") is to motivate more medical colleagues to take part in the care of unwanted pregnant women and offer abortions themselves. The website provides information and options for doctors on how they can support their patients in the event of an unwanted pregnancy.

Abortion Training Academy (Fortbildungsakademie)

We are developing free, evidence-based and CME-certified online training courses on abortion. Our aim is to contribute to the improvement of medical education and training. There are currently 4 training courses available.

Abortion At Home

"Abortion At Home" (German: "Schwangerschaftsabbruch Zuhause"): the fact-based information campaign on abortion is intended to help remove taboos and raise awareness, as well as expose myths and prejudices.

Information Campaign

Translated as "More than you think - less than you think" (German "Mehr als du denkst - Weniger als du denkst"), this fact-based information campaign on abortion aims at destigmatizing and sensitizing the topic as well as expose abortion myths.

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